Top 10 Most Common Motorcycle Problems & Solutions
Are you a regular motorcycle rider or a weekend warrior? Whatever type of rider you may be, chances are if you're reading this article you're searching for a quick fix to your current motorcycle problem.
As a motorcycle rider, you must come to know the most common motorcycle problems & solutions if you plan to stick around for long. If you ride enough you're bound to encounter some type of motorcycle issue.
It's essential you equip yourself with the knowledge below, as a true motorcycle rider, to take proper precautions to avoid all unexpected problems.
Plus, when you do encounter a problem you'll have all the tools & knowledge required to solve it!
Key Takeaways
The motorcycle is a vital asset for anybody due to the unlimited advantages it holds over other automobiles. To enjoy your motorcycle to the fullest, you need to recognize the common problems for the motorcycle. You must also personally learn how to solve the problems associated with the motorcycle for effective use.
Top 10 Common Motorcycle Problem & How to Fix Them
1. Stalling a Motorcycle Engine During Use
There are a lot of potential causes for stalling a motorcycle engine during use. Typically, a poor carburetor is to blame. However, this problem could be caused by the clutch, fuel, or a more advanced engine problem.
The Clutch
Do you know how a clutch works on a motorcycle? If not, now's a perfect time to learn how!
The Clutch is the lever that separates the rotating engine from the rear wheel. When the clutch is fully pulled in, clutch plates that transfer the energy from engine to wheel are retracted from the wheel. As you release the clutch, the clutch plates slowly grab the rear wheel and start to turn.
However, the release needs to be gradual. If you release the clutch to fast, the engine stalls because it cannot turn the rear wheel fast enough. This is known as the friction or bite zone. This is the point at which the release of the clutch lever must be gradual else a stall occurs.
Fuel & Dirty Carburetors
Unfortunately, if you ride an older bike or a less equipped bike there is no fuel gauge. Meaning your traveling on pure instinct & your own personal ability to remember to check the tank!
If you find yourself stalling or halting your engine while riding, it could be that your running on empty. One of the best ways to check your gas is to simply remove the cap and give your bike a shake.
If you hear the slosh of gas, you're good to go! If not, you better start looking for the closest gas station!
Furthermore, if you're bike is doesn't feel as strong as it once used to be. Your bike could be suffering from dirty valves, carburetors, or loose fittings.
In order for your bike to get the most power out of it it will need to have sealed fittings, clean valves & carburetors. Since motorcycles are more exposed to their environments this will be a common maintenance you'll need to stay on-top of to get the most power out of your bike.
2. Motorcycle Brake Problems
The brake is an integral part of the motorcycle, which you must make sure is in proper shape. The brake is divided into two: the drum brake and the disc brake (controlled by the hydraulic fuel).
The first thing you need to check when facing a problem in the braking system is the brake cable. The problem can also be associated with the brake pad getting hotter, thus expanding, and result in poor braking.
To solve this problem, you must regularly monitor and change your brake pads and also change your brake cable when it's old. You must regularly check the hydraulic fuel of the disc brake and the brake shoe for replacement.
3. Electrical Problems Associated with Motorcycle
Thankfully, most motorcycles are significantly simpler in terms of electrical components when compared to the average car. Allowing us a few key electrical checkpoints to determine the cause of a potential electrical problem.
You'll want to check the following areas if you suspect an electrical problem with your motorcycle:
- Main Fuse
- Motorcycle Battery
- Ground Wires
- Regulator
- Stator
If you find that suddenly your bike has lost power & your engine has stalled, it could be that your suffering from an electrical issue. If the stator is not constantly charging the battery while your riding or your battery is not holding a consistent charge. It will be next to impossible to start & keep your motorcycle going.
If you're suffering from a potential electrical issue double check your electrical connectors, spark plugs, and read the voltage on your battery to ensure there is a charge.
4. High Fuel Consumption by the Motorcycle
The fuel consumption of your bike depends on the way you ride your bike. Shifting gear properly and riding at a constant speed can produce a high mileage.
Proper tuning of carburetor and changing of engine oil can also give you a high mileage. The clutch plates should be checked out, and you should increase the air pressure in radials to reduce fuel consumption.
Your chain sprockets, brake shoes, drum, and bearing of your motorcycle should be properly checked and maintained to reduce fuel consumption.
Pro-Tip: The lighter your bike, the easier it is for your engine to accelerate it. Removing unnecessary weight will improve your mileage & acceleration.
5. Strong Vibrations at Top Speed
All motorcycles are usually associated with a minimum vibration; excessive vibration of your motorcycle can affect your riding capabilities. The first thing you must ensure is that all the bike's body parts are appropriately joined together.
The shock absorbers, chain sprocket, and the whole chain should be checked for proper working conditions. If you hear any excessive rattling or shaking on your bike, pull over! Take 3-5 minutes to inspect your bike & ensure everything is fastened down properly.
The last thing you need is your radiator falling off at 80 mph.
6. Bad Throttle Response
If your motorcycle is giving a poor throttle response it's most likely that your spark plugs are dirty, old, or the wrong kind. It's also likely that your carburetors are dirty from extended use or age.
If the problem persists, the air & fuel filter should also be checked and changed as needed.
As your bike starts to age, this becomes a common problem that you'll need to watch out for.
7. Failure of Alternator
Motorcycle riders that don't know the signs of potential alternator failure are at a greater risk of casualty. The warnings from the alternator include a dash light, dim headlights, and flicking gauges.
Fixing the alternator is a common motorcycle repair that you'll need to perform on your motorcycle eventually. The failure to maintain your alternator may result in faster fail rate in your motorcycle.
8. Wear out of Gearbox
The effect of wear and tear may make the gearbox of your motorcycle break. You must ensure that your gearbox is inspected from time to time.
How do you know if your motorcycle gearbox is broken?
Listen for Gearbox Noises:
Do you hear whirring, chattering, and shaking. These are all signs that your gearbox needs attention.
Failing to Engage a Gear:
If you try shifting gears and notice that your bike is not shifting properly. You'll need to end the ride and find somewhere safe to pull over. Skipping or improper gear shifting can cause a world of trouble and potential harm to you.
It would help if you serviced the gearbox of your motorcycle frequently to avoid wear and tears.
9. Failure of the Clutch
The clutch is by far one of the most important pieces to your motorcycle, without it you would be unable to deliver effective power to your rear wheel.
So how do you know when your motorcycle clutch is bad?
- stuck clutch lever
- difficult shifts accompanied by clunking sound or jerk
- poor acceleration
- lowered gas mileage
- not getting into gear
You'll need to be actively aware of these potential issues at all times to ensure the safety of your bike and yourself.
10. Mechanical Problem of the Engine
A mechanical problem is one of the significant problems you can encounter as a bike owner. It may be in the form of a piston sticking out of the side of the engine, snapped cam chain, or an intertwined chain and piston.
Unless you're an experience engine mechanic, it would be in your best interest to take your bike to your nearest motorcycle repair shop to get it serviced. One thing to know, most repair shops will give you some type of warranty on their work, unlike your bike yard.
In order to become a safe & responsible motorcycle rider, you'll need to commit the above knowledge to memory. Understanding the common motorcycle problems you'll be facing in your life time as a rider & their solutions give you an elite advantage as a rider.
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